Concerns Raised Over Aggressive Tip Goals and Hidden Fees

I’ve been a long-time supporter of OnlyFans, but my recent experience with Geronmio, also known as YourFrency, a contestant on the French reality show ‘La Villa sur TFX,’ has left me feeling scammed and disappointed.

His profile boasts a staggering 36 live broadcasts, but this is far from the truth. In reality, he starts and stops multiple streams within each session, creating a false sense of urgency and encouraging continuous tipping.

On the night of October 2nd, I witnessed firsthand how Geronmio’s manipulative tactics played out. He began by requiring a $25 tip just to join the first private broadcast. There were 80 subscribers who paid the ticket price, meaning he earned $2,000. Once he reached his initial goal, he refused to get completely nude, demanding an additional $150 from us and threatening to end the stream if the goal wasn’t met.

Despite having already earned a substantial amount, he continued to push for more money. He repeatedly cut the live stream and started new ones, each with a higher tip goal. His final tip goal was $500.00, which means he earned a total of $2,650 for less than two hours of his time. The typical earnings for the average model are $200-$300, just 11% of his asking price. This is when he finally stopped collecting tips and continued with the rest of the show.

Throughout the night, he refused to show his full face, while masturbating. This felt like a deliberate attempt to tease viewers and to hide his indenity.

The “goodie” he promised to tippers turned out to be a mere 30-second clip without his face. It was clear that he valued money over his fans’ satisfaction.

I’ve never seen a content creator on OnlyFans act with such disregard for their viewers. Geronmio’s tactics are not only manipulative but also unsustainable. He may have earned a significant amount that night, but I doubt he’ll be able to maintain this level of income for long. This is typical behavior for these types of scammers. They inflate their earnings and then cash out, once people catches on.

If you’re considering subscribing to Geronmio, I urge you to think twice. His behavior is unacceptable, and I believe it’s important to expose these kinds of scams to protect other fans.

To get a chance to view the full video from the scam, Click here and join our official telegram group.