Nike, a brand synonymous with athletic excellence, is now transcending the borders of sportswear. With the launch of the Nike Well Collective, the brand evolves into a beacon of holistic wellness, committed to fostering innovation, proficiency, amenities, and experiences that cater to the trifecta of body, mind, and life.

The genesis of the Nike Well Collective draws inspiration from insights gathered from women. Nevertheless, it aspires to support the wellness odysseys of all individuals.

The bedrock of the Nike Well Collective is Nike’s quintet of holistic fitness pillars: movement, mindfulness, nutrition, rest, and connection. To anchor the Nike Well Collective as a reputable source and guide, the company plans to integrate over 1,000 new global fitness trainers. Furthermore, it is establishing collaborations with a diverse array of preeminent academics, researchers, scientists, medical professionals, and academic authors across holistic fitness domains, reproductive health, and more.

Come June 13th, the Nike Live stores will be rechristened as Nike Well Collective stores. Concurrently, the Instagram handle @niketraining will metamorphose into @nikewellcollective.

Nike’s commitment to holistic fitness is far-reaching and embodies the joy of movement, the potency of mindfulness, and the virtues of acknowledging the whole self. This vision is encapsulated in the name Nike Well Collective.

Amy Montagne, VP/GM of Global Nike Women’s, elaborates, “Nike Well Collective is a testament to our commitment to championing wellness in all its dimensions. It celebrates the diversity of bodies and myriad forms of movement. Understanding that holistic fitness transcends sport, we focus on nurturing the body, mind, and life.”

The five pillars of holistic fitness form the foundation of the Nike Well Collective. The movement domain aims to provide resources, inspiration, and knowledge for physical activities, extending beyond traditional sports to include dance, yoga, walking, and stretching. In mindfulness, it endorses evidence-based practices such as meditation, visualization, breath work, and self-talk for inner equilibrium. The nutrition front promotes expert advice with an open-minded and judgment-free approach. The rest segment, backed by contemporary science, offers actionable strategies to optimize sleep and recovery. Lastly, the connection pillar fosters community engagements, both virtual and physical, while advocating a deeper connection with nature and oneself.

The Nike Sport Research Lab, a cradle of innovation and sport science, is integral to the Nike Well Collective. With an elite team of PhDs and researchers specializing in mind and body sciences, Nike is positioned to imbue the Well Collective with authoritative information and services, facilitating more substantial bonds with consumers.

Liz Weldon, VP, Global Nike Women’s Brand Management, and a certified integrative nutrition health coach, reflects, “We aspire to be a revered support network offering the pinnacle of guidance, innovation, experiences, and community connections.”

Nike Well Collective also seeks inspiration from its elite roster of athletes, who live and perform at their zenith, embracing the five pillars.

Starting June 13th, Nike will integrate its services and experiences in novel ways. Nike Live stores will transform into Nike Well Collective stores, creating a digitally-driven environment with curated products that support women’s sports and lifestyle journeys. The Instagram handle @niketraining will become @nikewellcollective, reflecting Nike’s evolution and commitment to holistic fitness.

Visit and follow @nikewellcollective on Instagram for more insights into Nike’s approach to holistic fitness.

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